
About Us

My Name is Rosie, and I have been treating clients throughout the Massachusetts Region. Before I became a massage therapist, I worked in nursing homes and hospitals. I am an educator who has worked for many years with children. I am a CPR/First Aid instructor, teaching others how to save lives. The feedback from my clients, patients, students, and foster children helped me realize that caring for others is what I was created for. There's nothing that brings me more joy than putting a smile on someone's face. It's an enormous accomplishment to bring positive changes into someone's life that had pain for many months or even for years.

My clients never walk out the same way they walk into the treatment room. It's always life-changing for my clients to be free of pain and able to do what they couldn't do for years. I am always seeking different ways or techniques to benefit the client's needs and bring a smile to their face. 

Reviving one's health is a wonderful experience. Being a part of the natural health industry, and providing care to others, is one of the most amazing things I can accomplish in life. There is no word that can describe my happiness when I see a poor and aching client walk out of the treatment room with a smile on their face. Many of my clients stopped have stopped me at the door saying, "Thank you, I'm glad I found you!". These words of encouragement and appreciation push me to dig deeper. I continue to adopt new methods and different techniques to treat those in pain. As a Health provider and certified Medical Massage practitioner, the philosophy of my practice is "Healing."

C.M.M.P Rosie

Miraculous Healing Hands Therapy